This Is Funny
Hart Seely's Hardballs: How would Chris Matthews sound if he talked to men like he talks to women? @ Slate.
Hart Seely's Hardballs: How would Chris Matthews sound if he talked to men like he talks to women? @ Slate.
A Malaysian rock singer who stripped off his shirt and bared his chest to reveal a bright red Superman logo has been barred from television concerts for three months by the country’s media authority.Superman Stunt Undoes Malaysian Rocker, New York Times
Self-styled 'comedy terrorist' Aaron Barschak told the Jewish News this week that “Jesus always beats Superman” after escaping a conviction for harassment.'Jesus beats Superman',
Barschak was arrested in November 2006 after brandishing a pornographic magazine at Michael Jackson outside the Hempel Hotel in Craven Hill, Paddington, and allegedly shouting “Are you here for the Children in Need week, Michael?”
He refused an £80 fine and was taken to court after fan Danny Oliver, dressed in a Superman jacket, complained to patrolling police that there were children in the crowd who found the images distasteful.
A man called Kent wearing a Superman T-shirt bit a stranger on the face and punched and kicked him in the head while he was on the floor in an unprovoked attack outside a pub, a court heard.'Superman' Bit Stranger In The Face, Court Told, This Is
From Trash, Art and the Movies, in the February, 1969 issue of Harper's:Are your ears burning, comics?
Damn, I love my Harper's subscription. Seventeen bucks, and I get to go online and read everything they've published since 1850.