Monday, January 05, 2009


well, it's been over 1 (one) hole week sence my last blog! but here's a little sumething from one of my my myspace freinds, Brian (Sendelbach). it's a re-post! so ENJOIY!



As just about everyone in the world doesn't know, I have a book coming out in March. It's called PLANET OF BEER: A SMELL OF STEVE TREASURY, and it's the distillation of many years' worth my weekly comic strip, Smell of Steve.

I'm pretty excited about the book. It's big, it's in full color, and it's the first time all these comic strips will be appearing in one place.

Only one wrinkle: Because of the usual Crappy Economy factors everyone's so familiar with now, PLANET OF BEER might not get published at all. The publisher, Dark Horse, claims that unless orders go up somewhat, they're going to pull the book.

Beyond the economy thing, it's been a challenge to market PLANET OF BEER. How do you describe comic strips that feature celebrities such as Nick Nolte and Sammy Hagar (as well as pop culture figures like Fonzie) in starring roles? How do you describe characters like President Carter & Kenny, Black Aquaman, and Bougle Gluce in a way that doesn't sound wacky and contrived? And how do you explain that Smell of Steve started off as a kind of conceptual art project, and ended up as, well...a different kind of conceptual art project?

Anyway, I'm a crappy salesman, and it's a crappy time to be selling anything. So this is no PLANET OF BEER hard-sell. I'm just letting you know that the book is available for pre-order here:

(Price is a little over 10 bucks. Plus shipping.)

Also, my site mysteriously went up in smoke a couple months back. But, if you want, you can check out more of my work here on the myspace thing:

Feel free to be my "friend"! Same with the facebook deal:

One last thing. If you're with the "media" -- or if you write one of those new-fangled "blurgs" or "blags" that everyone seems to be talking about -- I wouldn't completely HATE you if you saw fit to mention PLANET OF BEER in some way, shape or form. Y'know: "Save the Whales", "Save the Rainforest", "Save the PLANET OF BEER." Something like that.

I'm also available for interviews, hula dances, and -- with the right amount of orders -- completely inappropriate back rubs.

(Kidding! I'm married.)

Yours, Yours, and Forever Yours,

-Brian (Sendelbach)

P.S. If you have nothing better to do right now, here are some of the quotes for PLANET OF BEER's back cover:

"Smell of Steve, Inc." is to cartooning what the dada movement was to art -- a brilliantly absurd self-parody, better read than imitated.
-Ted Rall, ATTITUDE 2: The New Subversive Alternative Cartoonists

"Smell of Steve, Inc." is a printed page tuned to an alien frequency -- as if the very paper you hold is receiving coded transmissions from an alien space brain....[Sendelbach's] work is hysterically funny, and he is one of the most original cartoonists working today.
-Chris Reilly, THE PULSE

If Philip K Dick loved pop-culture and drew comics, this might be the result.
-Shannon Wheeler, Too Much Coffee Man creator

I have seen the PLANET OF BEER, and it is beautiful. I urge you to sign
on for this journey, and when you reach it, you
will weep tears of joy. Tears of BEER.
-- Joe MacLeod, "Mr. Wrong" columnist, Alcoholic