V "visited security check points at the White House, the main Treasury, IRS and Justice Department Buildings and the Capitol... to deliver the People’s Petitions for Redress of Grievances relating to the Government’s violations of the war powers, tax, privacy and money clauses of the Constitution." [Thanks losthawk!]
SOUNDS OF SANTORUM: Valued commenter Bubba G. Russo sent in loser Rick Santorum's iPod playlist:
It's Over- Boz Scaggs
Blue Christmas- Elvis Presley
Everything I Have is Blue- Smithereens
Blue Hotel- Chris Isaak
Minority/ Good Riddance(Time Of Your Life)/American Idiot- Green Day
Left For Dead- Crazy Horse
He's Gone- Grateful Dead
I Got The News- Steely Dan
So Lonely- The Police
Gone For Good- The Shins
Serves You Right To Suffer- John Lee Hooker
Since You've Been Gone- Rainbow
There's Never Been Any Reason- Head East
This has to be a depressing time for Santorum, so he should probably confine his listening to...
POZ, OR POSITIVE MUSIC, i.e. "music of any style that conveys positive or constructive messages," an upsetting new non-trend I found on...
THE ODIOUS "GOOD NEWS" SITE by former CNN teleprompter reader and presumed Limbaugh fellater
Daryn Kagan, which launched, fittingly, on...
John Layman's birthday!