Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

Pic stolen from Tegan. More costumes here.

Throw Away Those Gouging, Torturing Trusses

PrisonRiot01 27
From PRISON RIOT #1, Avon Periodicals, 1952.

Monday, October 29, 2007

"I just can't find one damn thing that you guys have done wrong."

Questions for FEMA's future fake news conferences, by el duque's friend Seely. [Link]

I'm a veteran reporter, and I hate positive stories. I'd much rather destroy people, especially with no facts to get in my way. So, my question is this: What minor tidbit should I gin up into a scandal? Because frankly, I've been digging for weeks, and I just can't find one damn thing that you guys have done wrong.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Elvis' Setlist For Hillary's Party

Beyond Belief

Clean Money

Lip Service

(I Don't Want To Go To) Chelsea

His First Real Worries

I like this paragraph from The Horse's Mouth, by Joyce Cary:

Frank was having trouble with his boils. He had a plaster on his neck and was carrying his head all on one side. I like Franklin. He's about nineteen, and is just getting his first real worries. The girls he fancies don't fancy him; the ones he fancied last year and doesn't fancy any more are lying in wait for him with kisses and hatchets. Made a bit in the pools and lost a lot on the dogs. And his best friend did him out of a good job, because he wanted to get married. Three years ago he was a happy corner boy, living like a hog in his dirty little mind. Now he's been stabbed alive. He's seeing things. The old woman of the world has got him. Old mother necessity.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Where I'll Be Sunday

Click image to enlarge.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Excerpts from George W. Bush's conversations with the Dalai Lama.

Heck, back when you won the Nobel Prize, the darn thing meant something. These days, it's garbage, a beauty contest, and everybody knows it.
By Seely, at Slate.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Where I'll Be Saturday

As is always the case lately, the good news is you'll be able to walk out of there with an autographed copy of Stephen Colbert's Tek Jansen.

The bad news: it'll be my autograph.

More info here.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Poor Rudy


Newsflash to the rest of the country: Everybody in New York hates this guy. Everybody.

Not only does the New York Times have up, today, a blistering account of his exploits reviling and ridiculing people on his radio show during his time as mayor. Not only does said article document several incidents where, in the course of yelling inappropriately at people, he takes firm stands 180 degrees away from the far-right pandering he's engaged in now. ("It really is absolutely astounding that the N.R.A. continues to have influence in areas in which they make no sense at all.”)

But this is the photo they ran with the article:


Poor Rudy. No friends in New York.