Tuesday, May 10, 2005

This Just In

Hart Seely and I have a piece about TV news in Slate! Go read it!


Stang said...

El Duque,

My job as a weblogger--or "blogger"--is not to change the world, but to keep you informed on a daily basis of events from your neighborhood to the greater world beyond. In doing so, I have to concentrate on facts and official reports, taking pains not to bend to whichever way the "wind" of public opinion is "blowing" at a given moment in the history of our Republic.

For every message I get accusing me of covering up the American Idol sex-for-clothes-and-food scandal, I get another telling me to "lay off" Ms. Abdul. If neither extreme is pleased, I must be doing something right!


Tom Peyer
Managing Editor

Stang said...

No she hasn't. She gives me food and clothing, I give her sex. I don't owe her anything.