Thursday, April 27, 2006

The Tampa Bay Devil Rays Walked 14 Yankees Last Night...

...and held them to two runs, and won.

Yes, I preach that we shouldn't judge the Yankees in April, but this is an immortal suckomplishment.


Anonymous said...

Sadly, it seems your support of the Yankees is alot like your support of America.

You LOVE them... but only at cetain times: when they are winning, when they are acclaimed, when the majority of people love them, when they are performing well.

But should they FAIL to do all of these things, even for a single day, you heap scorn and mockery on them, and disown them.

I would never heap scorn or mockery on either America or the Yankees, and I would never disown them for any reason. I suppose that's the difference between conservtives and liberals. It's a matter of respect.

That's all I have to say.

Let the infantile mockery begin....

Anonymous said...

"It is the responsibility of those that love a thing to mock that thing when it screws up so appallingly."


Ridiculous. If that's what friends do, then what do enemies do? Support is support, period. When people screw up, it is certainly NOT a friend's responsibility to "mock" them. It is their responsibility to SUPPORT them when they need it most.

I would not want to be one of your "friends" -- if was in a jam, I would not call you. You'd think it's your "responsibility" not to help me, but to mock me!

Anonymous said...

Yankees = evil
A-Rod = Satan

Stang said...

You'd think it's your "responsibility" not to help me, but to mock me!

spysmasher, it's everyone's responsibility to mock you.

Stang said...

duque, I'll bite! Why are the Yankees like the Bush administration?

Anonymous said...

"Whenever he is challenged, the idea-free Superfrankenstein evades all issues, and instead makes lame jokes or sarcastic remarks."

Anonymous said...

Why is el duque not funny?

He makes lame jokes.