Sunday, January 30, 2005

I'm Your Conqueror, And I Approved This Message

A Marine hangs an election poster in Al Anbar province, Iraq (Reuters).

From Occupation Thwarts Democracy by John Nichols, at The Nation:

Polls suggest that the majority of Iraqis favor the quick withdrawal of US forces...
Under pressure from the Bush Administration, political parties...did not propose timetables for the withdrawal of US troops from their homeland...
So they can't vote on the one issue that affects them the most. Nice election.


Anonymous said...

What a dark day for democracy.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, look at the big, bad Marine hanging up the election poster. What a damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't situation. What do you suggest for the Iraqi people if you think the elections are a sham? Add Saddam to the ballot and see how many of them want him back?

Stang said...

My post wasn't clear enough--I wasn't complaining about soldiers hanging posters--so I added the Nation link. To ask me if I want Saddam on the ballot is a mighty good piece of arguin'. Mighty good.

Anonymous said...

I'm sick of hearing about the 72% already! What about the 28% who resisted the Bu$hCo psyops campaign?