Friday, April 07, 2006

Is It Wrong To Gloat?

But it feels so right. [Via Americablog]


Anonymous said...

You liberals drove Delay from office -- not by defeating his ideas, but by smearing him. This is the ONLY tactic liberals know! So go ahead... gloat! You won!

The fact that you won using despicable tactics obviously doesn't bother any of you a bit. And why should it? After all, the end justifies the means, right?

Stang said...

We got DeLay.

You guys couldn't put Clinton away.

That's why you're sore.

The Retropolitan said...

Actually, SpySmasher is right on this one. I was actually the one that forced DeLay to make questionable (perhaps criminal) ethics violations.

I apologize, from the bottom of my heart.

Anonymous said...


As soon as you are ready to start caring about your country over your party, we will welcome you into our midst. We won't hold a grudge. We'll be glad to have you. We will need all the help we can get just to make a start at cleaning up the global mess that the Repugs have left behind them.

Come on, buddy! You can do it! Try really hard and I bet the logical part of your brain will start working again!

Anonymous said...

Dear Hoser X--
As soon as you are ready to start caring about your country over your party, we will welcome you into our midst. We won't hold a grudge. We'll be glad to have you. We will need all the help we can get just to make a start at cleaning up the global mess that the Democrats have left behind them.

Come on, buddy! You can do it! Try really hard and I bet the logical part of your brain will start working again!

Anonymous said...

Retropolitan said "I was actually the one that forced DeLay to make questionable (perhaps criminal) ethics violations."

Then you should have no trouble listing here the SPECIFIC things Delay supposedly did wrong. Be careful what your list says, because if you DO post a list of Delay's "crimes," I intend to vet it quite throughly!

As you research you "list," you'll learn Delay did nothing wrong. His "crime" was being an effective Republican legislator.

Anonymous said...

Geez, Spice-Masher,

Talk about not having any new ideas. Are the Repugs really so desperate?

(I have an idea for your response: Cut-and-paste this post and substitute "Hoser X" for "Spice-Masher" and "Democrats" for "Repugs." It'll show those liberals!)

(Is it any wonder I have so little respect for the Repugs when this is the best they can do?)

Anonymous said...

Hoser X-

Thanks so much for that list of Delay's wrongdoings!

Good job!

Anonymous said...

You're very welcome, Spice-Masher.

I do my best.