Either 2004 Goes Or I Do
From a very long petition to get The Cowsills into The Rock 'N' Roll Hall Of Fame:
The voters could fill the Rock 'N' Roll Hall Of Fame with every slimy newborn dragged out of a Cowsill for the next 1,000 years, for all I care about the place. I'm only telling you about the petition because 2004 is almost over, and I want you all to see what it's become. (Via)Their recording "Hair" was banned from Armed Services radio in Viet Nam for being too controversial. The Cowsills continue to have an active fan club which includes multi-generational fans from all 50 states and six continents. They have never participated in oldies tours, choosing rather to stay current and evolve musically. The Cowsills are one of only five rock groups to have album covers designed by famous cartoonist Jack Davis. Some band members were Grammy presenters while still in grade school. Brett Milano, Boston Phoenix, stated on February 5, 1993: "So here we have a ’60s bubblegum act (albeit a pretty cool one) coming back to life as a modern pop band, more than 20 years later; and most of them are still younger than the Ramones. In the entire history of rock and roll, nothing like this has ever happened."
And if they pick Mungo Jerry, they have to include Terry "Season In The Sun" Jacks.
See the can of worms this opens?
Dear Tom,
After reading your 12/24/04 article that was posted at superfrankenstein.blogspot.com regarding the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame petition for The Cowsills, I surmise that you are not familiar with The Cowsills' music and that you question their credibility. I would like to ask you to take the time to listen to some or all the following recordings--I think you will be pleasantly surprised at what you hear:
Global - The Cowsills (original compositions written by Bob and Mary Jo Cowsill. They have also written one of the most gorgeous Christmas songs you've ever heard called "Christmastime," which was released as a single on Rockville Records.)
As Is - Barry Cowsill (a natural born rocker and songwriter)
Just Believe It - Susan Cowsill (a rockin' gal and a great songwriter with a beautiful voice)
The Co-Dependents Live Recording Event - the legendary Billy Cowsill (rocking the house along with Steve Pineo, Tim Leacock, and Ross Watson)
Billy Cowsill Live at the Crystal Ballroom 1985 - Billy Cowsill (opening the show for K.D. Lang)
As for Cowsill offspring, this is the first release from Bob Cowsill's son, Jason, who includes flamenco guitar in his impressive original tunes:
The Shape of the Journey - Little Tin Gods
You can also catch the multi-talented John Cowsill as he currently tours and performs worldwide with Mike Love and The Beach Boys.
Thank you for posting the link to the Cowsill web site and also the link to the HoF petition so that your readers can see the entire picture--instead of your choice excerpts--and decide for themselves that The Cowsills are worthy.
Marsha Jordan
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